Telecommunications, Entertainment and Media

With the development of a knowledge-based economy, the telecommunications, entertainment and media industry has demonstrated unmatched growth potential. We provide in-depth professional services to both domestic and foreign clients in this field. Our attorneys have a deep understanding and acute grasp of all relevant professional knowledge and government regulations. Irrespective of whether the legal services sought are in the area of mainstream network media, or for large-scale performances or major media events, we are able to deliver excellent performance with our rich experience. Legal services on Telecommunications, Entertainment and Media including:


◎ Brokerage services;
◎ Large-scale performances, sporting events, and exhibitions;
◎ Sponsorship services;
◎ Rights of reputation, portrait, copyrights, trademarks, franchises, and other aspects.


AngolaFrance、Israel、Hong Kong、Los Angeles、Macau、Mozambique、New York、Portugal、Singapore、Taiwan



Every consultant at our corporation has professional expertise in his/her practice. Additionally, our consultants and lawyers can be quickly formed in multi-services team to meet requirements of our clients. We assist international corporations in developing business in the world and setting up operations, especially in the greater China region of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.